6 things to consider when disposing of old tech
Keeping your business current with up-to-date technology will give you a competitive edge. But you can’t just dump old computers, smartphones, and other tech devices in the trash. Here are 6 things you should keep in mind as you dispose of old or outdated technology.
Read More7 interesting tech facts you might not know
Whether you think of yourself as a technophobe or an IT expert, you will be surprised by these fascinating technology facts. From mobile apps to big data and even the Deep Web, the technological sphere is broader and stranger than most people suspect — and it has been for quite some time.
Read More5 ways to use technology to improve productivity
Productivity is a big buzzword in office culture, and for good reason. The more productive your staff is, the greater your overall efficiency and the lower your total expenses. Who doesn’t want to see their employees get the maximum work done in the least amount of time?
Read MoreWhich CRM solution is right for your organization?
Your CRM solution software empowers you to make smarter, more accurate decisions. On average, CRM solutions see a return on investment of $8.71 for every dollar that you invest. But despite the benefits of CRM software, it’s not always easy to choose the best solution for your organization.
Read MoreClient Testimonial: Canino Electric
Canino Electric has been with CCS Technology for more than a decade—and for good reason. CCS handles all of their IT needs, from basic support to emergency backup and recovery. As Canino’s CEO says, “whatever you need, that’s what they’re there to do.”
Read More4 Microsoft Dynamics CRM tips to help you become a superuser
If you’re like most Dynamics CRM users, you’ll want to get the most mileage out of the application, uncovering any hidden tips and tricks that’ll help you along the way. In this article, we’ll go over 4 Microsoft Dynamics CRM tips that’ll help you become more efficient.
Read MoreHow to enhance Office 365 collaboration
In order to tap into Office 365 collaboration, you need to develop and implement the strategy and training that’s necessary. Leveraging the collaborative potential of Office 365 and its robust set of tools can make a powerful difference for your company.
Read MoreUnlocking the power of OneNote
OneNote is an increasingly popular part of the Office 365 suite of programs, but many businesses have yet to unlock its full potential. This article covers seven time-saving, productivity-enhancing and little-known ways to put OneNote to work for your company.
Read More5 amazing things you can do with cloud ERP
You might be used to using an on-premise ERP, but did you know there are some things you can do with a cloud-based solution that you might not be able to achieve otherwise? Here are a few of the advantages of cloud ERP that you might not know about.
Read More3 different approaches to CRM systems
There are three different approaches to CRM systems. These include implementing a basic CRM System, a standalone CRM System or an integrated CRM. Each of these solutions offers your business different levels and types of customer relationship management.
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