Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Services

The secrets to surviving and thriving when disaster strikes

No Scare Tactics. Just Facts

Disaster happens.

Natural events, malicious attacks, fire, hardware failure and power outages cost businesses thousands of dollars. Not per day. Per hour.

If you’re in business long enough, it’s highly likely you’ll experience at least one of these difficulties. When you do, you’re going to want a disaster recovery plan you can bank on.

When dealing with the unexpected, preparation makes all the difference. A disaster recovery plan ensures the most critical elements of your business stay online and functioning, even in the midst of an emergency.

Keep going when the unthinkable happens:

  • Day-to-day business processes continue without costly downtime

  • Your data is backed up and secure

  • Your customers see you as reliable when it matters most

  • You have assurance that your business can weather any storm

Why a Business Continuity Plan is Essential

If you’d like to know more about developing a disaster recovery plan, we invite you to download our free whitepaper. In it, you’ll learn why it’s so important to have a plan, and how CCS Technology can help protect your business from the unexpected.

Eliminate Downtime

Downtime is disastrous for your business and it takes a huge financial toll. Some businesses report that it can cost up to $100,000 for every single hour of downtime. With a proper Disaster Recovery solution, you can maximize uptime and minimize the financial costs of a disaster.

Backup Your Data

Be it a natural disaster or a significant cyberattack, the last thing you want to do is sacrifice data to a series of unfortunate events. A recent industry report found that a small data breach with 100 records lost could cost an organization anywhere from $18,120 to $35,730.

Retain Customers

For your business to grow you need to retain your current customers. If you suffer from a significant data loss, there’s a chance your customers will discontinue their relationship with your operation.

Continue Your Business

All of these individual elements lead up to one big problem without the proper solutions in place. 6 in 10 small businesses go out of business within one year of a cyber attack. With disaster recovery solutions, you can stay in business and continue to flourish.

Be Proactive, Avoid Downfall of Disasters

With the right planning, you can avoid huge financial and reputational losses due to the following disasters:

  • Human Error

  • Natural Disasters

  • Cyberattacks

  • Insider Threats

Do you have a disaster recovery plan?

Drop us a line or give us a call. We’d love to get to know you and find out which disaster recovery solutions you need to implement in your business..

The Top 5 Reasons to Prepare Your Business Continuity Plan

The Top 5 Reasons to Prepare Your Business Continuity Plan
The last thing you want is to go out of business in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.

A business continuity plan is essential for modern businesses in any industry. Regardless of what kind of technology you use, think of this plan as a blueprint for keeping your business running in the event of a major disaster.