4 SMBs that can benefit from a custom mobile app

Woman looking at her custom mobile app.

When it comes to selecting a gaming computer there are two options. Build a custom machine or purchase a pre-built model.

You don’t need a customized computer to play online games. But if you’re looking to optimize your gaming experience, a custom-built machine is the best way to get exactly what you want.

This same idea applies to businesses and custom mobile applications.

There are plenty of pre-designed apps that will likely work for your organization. And some of them, like Office 365, even allow for moderate customization.

But if it’s freedom you’re after, partnering with a professional to build an app for your business is the way to go.

“72% of SMB decision makers say that technology solutions can help them significantly improve business outcomes and/or run the business better.” – SMB Group

To show just how versatile a custom mobile app can be, we made a list of 4 SMBs that would benefit from one.

1. Schools

Keeping busy students and educators informed about important details and activity is a challenge many educational institutions struggle with. A custom mobile app can bolster school security while also keeping staff, students, and parents in-the-know about on-campus happenings.

Possible features:

  • School calendar
  • Secure access to grades and class schedules
  • Real-time campus activity updates for teachers and staff
  • A button students press if they feel unsafe, informing campus security of their location
  • Staff and administrator directory

2. Real Estate Firms

Realtors need access to local housing market data on the go. A mobile application can provide convenient, reliable access to the property, client and area information they need when and where they need it.

Possible features:

  • Directory of available for sale and rental listings
  • Mortgage loan and property tax calculator
  • Floor plan and space measurement aids
  • Map detailing school district boundaries and community demographics
  • Electronic document management and approvals

3. Homeowners’ Associations

HOAs are required to keep their residents informed about community issues, activities, and rules. A customized mobile application can help HOAs share relevant updates and encourage participation while giving residents access to basic community and local area information.

Possible features:

  • Secure resident directory
  • Real-time updates on critical community and safety issues like street closures and water leaks
  • Pool hours and cleaning schedule
  • Community events and schedule
  • Board meeting minutes and bylaws

4. Healthcare Practices

Thirty-minute doctor’s visits often aren’t enough time to gain a full picture of a patient’s condition. A mobile app can allow patients and doctors to exchange more data on health history, status, and symptoms, helping to better diagnose, manage and customize treatment.

“46% of healthcare professionals say they will introduce mobile apps into their practices over the next five years.” – Research Now Group

Possible features:

  • Heart rate and glucose reporting
  • Calorie, nutrient, and physical activity tracker
  • Symptom journals
  • Appointment, testing and refill requests
  • List of medications and their dosage

Creating a Custom Mobile App: Next Steps

The bottom line is, custom mobile apps can help a variety of SMBs increase efficiency, mobility, and productivity.

“To really move the needle on productivity, companies need custom mobile apps that empower people to perform critical processes anytime and anywhere.” – CDW

If you think your business would benefit from one, reach out. We’re confident we can design a custom mobile app that incorporates all of the features your business needs to tackle projects and increase customer satisfaction.

Related Blog: Top 3 Signs Your Business Needs a Custom App