Effective backup requires more than simply making another copy of a file. You need to track the files you’ve backed up, provide appropriate security, and know how to restore them when needed. If you’re planning to backup files in the cloud, it’s important to know how to use the different options to get the right level of protection.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage simply provides a remote filesystem for you to use. How you use the available space is up to you; depending on the cloud provider’s capabilities, you may be able to access it as a local filesystem. Unlike local filesystems, the capacity is unlimited, and you pay only for the capacity you use. An additional advantage of cloud storage is that cloud providers usually have several regions, allowing you to store data in a different geographic location.
Cloud Sync
Cloud sync copies folders from your local filesystem to a filesystem in the cloud. This is often used to share files so they can be used from anywhere, making them production data rather than a backup. Depending on the vendor, cloud sync may or may not allow you to access older versions of files.
Cloud Backup
Cloud backup operates like traditional backup software, but with the cloud rather than a local filesystem as the target. The software operates on a schedule to backup changes to the cloud, with historic versions preserved. Cloud backup can be implemented with backup software running in the cloud or in your local data center. Cloud backup give you more control than cloud sync with respect to when and how data is duplicated. Cloud backup often uses compression and deduplication to reduce the space and cost of the backed-up data; it may also apply encryption for security.
Cloud Disaster Recovery
It’s important to note that getting data out of the cloud is often more difficult and more expensive than getting data into the cloud. Cloud disaster recovery provides additional support needed to restore files and virtual machine images in case of an outage. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) uses high levels of automation to bring systems online in the cloud rapidly.
Understanding the different capabilities between these cloud services is key to implementing an effective backup and disaster recovery strategy in the cloud. CCS Technology Group combines its cloud expertise with our business continuity insight to develop, implement, monitor, and support effective cloud-based backup and disaster recovery solutions. Contact us to learn more about how your backup can leverage the cloud to ensure a smooth backup and disaster recovery process for your business.
Additional Disaster Recovery Resources
Don’t Lose Your Files to Ransomware
5 Changes to Make When You Switch to Disaster Recovery in the Cloud