As the Coronavirus eases, how is your company going to structure work hours? Will you require some meetings to be in-person meetings? How will you provide for flexible workspaces, social distancing, working from home, working in the office, or a hybrid model that combines working at the office with working from home?
In any case, know 3 things:
- Once you establish a solution, it will change as circumstances continue to change
- Your employees will need to learn and use new tools to make sure the needs of the customers are met regardless of where employees do their work
- Your IT systems need to be enhanced to provide SECURE remote access while providing employees the tools they need to stay productive.
The Future – A Hybrid Work Environment
A hybrid work environment is challenging to create. It requires technology solutions, SECURE remote access, the bandwidth to support remote access, and the tools/apps to help employees work together as if they were all in the office or sitting around the same conference table.
As mentioned above, hybrid work environments are challenging to create, but here are four things to consider as you invest in creating your hybrid work environment:
- Most important, can your IT system handle the additional demands you will place on it? You need SECURE remote connections, dramatically more bandwidth, and collaboration tools/apps that are not necessary when everyone works in the same office all day. You want your employees to remain productive and your customers to be delighted with your customer service.
The issues listed above are on top of an IT system that prevents virus attacks, hackers, ransomware, or something even as simple as some data not being backed up in the cloud (i.e., on new employee laptops, etc.).
If your IT system goes down, your employees are unproductive, and your customers are unhappy.
Bottom Line: Make sure you have IT support that will proactively monitor your IT systems for potential issues as well as keep your systems up and running.
2. Ensure that employees have the tools (laptops, docking stations, monitors, phone apps, etc.) so that they remain productive at the office, at home, and on the go.
3. Ensure that all spaces provide for robust network connectivity and videoconferencing, so it is as if your remote employees are as productive as they are when they are in the room with you.
4. Implement solutions so your employees can seamlessly collaborate and serve customers no matter where they are located.
As we recover from the pandemic, the world of work and how it gets done is changing every week. Make sure your IT systems and your employees are equipped to meet and exceed your customer’s expectations – while your ill-equipped competitors drop the ball.
If we can answer any questions for you or help make sure your systems are equipped for whatever is ahead, please let us know.