About lindsay

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud lindsay contributed a whooping 161 entries.

Entries by lindsay

Compare the Top 14 Cloud ERP Solutions

Compare the top 14 cloud ERP providers. Within minutes of downloading this report, you’ll have a clear view of the top cloud ERP providers—and you’ll be a huge step closer to choosing the one that’s right for you. Get the report now.

Acumatica 2020 R1 New Features

Acumatica 2020 R1 includes product advances in usability, powerful new native modules, best in class functionality, codeless personalization, and cross-connected workflows. Learn about some of the new features here.

Why Every Finance Executive Needs Cloud ERP

If you’re in charge of overseeing your company’s accounting operations, you need an ERP platform that supports accurate reporting, budgeting, auditing and tax compliance along with financial forecasting and bank account management.