About Chris Higgins

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Chris Higgins contributed a whooping 219 entries.

Entries by Chris Higgins

Cybersecurity Horror Stories: Real-Life Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented

Tales of Cyber Disasters In the digital age, cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and devastating. These horror stories often stem from simple mistakes or overlooked vulnerabilities, leading to severe financial and reputational damage. Whether it’s ransomware paralyzing an organization or phishing scams duping employees, these attacks highlight the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures. Fortunately, […]

Trick or Treat: How Hackers Use Social Engineering to Gain Access

The Deceptive World of Social Engineering Social engineering attacks are some of the most effective tricks used by cybercriminals. By manipulating human emotions like trust, urgency, or fear, hackers deceive individuals into giving up confidential information or access to secure systems. From phishing emails to impersonating employees, these tactics allow criminals to bypass even the […]

So, Should I Have One Password or Many Passwords?

Passwords are the first line of defense against cybercriminals and their unauthorized access to your company and personal data.   Most people around the world struggle with managing their passwords. A recent Verizon Data Breach Investigation reported over 70% of employees repeat passwords while at work. According to the study, 81% of hacking-related breaches used either stolen […]

Why is the door to your IT network propped open?

  Your team tells you the door is closed and locked. After someone comes in and steals your data, you find out that the door was actually propped open.   When it comes to your computer network, your protection is limited to the knowledge and skills of the people protecting your computer network.   Because […]

Your Biggest Cybersecurity Risk – Your Employees

Employees can pose a significant cybersecurity risk if they are not adequately trained or if proper security measures are not in place. Here are a few reasons why employees can be a cybersecurity risk and some strategies to mitigate those risks:   Lack of awareness and training: Employees who are not aware of common cybersecurity […]

Enhance Your Brand and Boost Effectiveness with CCS Technology

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, entrepreneurs need to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to emerging trends and technologies. The rise of virtual and hybrid workforces has become a critical factor in maintaining business continuity and driving productivity. To excel in this new era, entrepreneurs must embrace innovative solutions that streamline operations and ensure […]

The Tech Detective’s Guide to Buying and Selling Companies

Picture this: You’re about to embark on a thrilling journey of buying or selling a company but lurking in the shadows are hidden mysteries of information technology (IT) needs. Fear not! CCS Technology Group, the tech detectives of the business world, are here to assess, decode, protect, integrate, and support! The Case of the Tech […]

Minimizing Employee Anxieties with IT Support

Joe Reiplinger and Chris Higgins from CCS Technology Group were guests on NBC Milwaukee’s TMJ4 “The Morning Blend”  and discussed the importance of having IT support for your business. According to PEW Research, more than 93% of today’s businesses rely on computers and information technology for their operations. Managing IT operations and security needs for […]

More IT Expertise – 40% Lower Cost

The average salary for an IT employee in Illinois is $77,267 in 2022. If you include compensation, benefits and payroll taxes, the average IT employee costs your company more than $90,000 per year or $7,500 per month.   If your 50 employee company has 2 IT employees, that’s $15,000 per month.   Why not cut your […]