About lindsay

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud lindsay contributed a whooping 161 entries.

Entries by lindsay

Are You Fully Committed to Using Cloud?

What does it take to make a full commitment to the cloud? Some might say it means moving all your applications to the cloud and eliminating your on-premises data center. But there’s another step to making a complete transition to the cloud: using cloud native applications.

How to Manage Your Business Processes in One Solution

Implementation of ERP software will drive review of business processes — it goes hand in hand with preparing the install and configuration of the software to suit a company’s needs. Review and adjustment of the way a business operates will dictate how the ERP solution is rolled out for a unique client.

Don’t Lose Your Files to Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of malware that holds your data hostage. When you’re attacked by malware, it encrypts all your data. Since you don’t have the key, you aren’t able to read it. Typically you’re asked to make a payment in cryptocurrency in exchange for the key. If you don’t pay up by the deadline, the key is discarded and your data is lost for good.